Dive: Rituals In Water


Thursday 1st August - 10.00 AM

Reel Bubs (baby friendly screening)


Saturday 3rd August - 2.15 pm

Three female directors explore the sensory world of newborns in this delightful depiction of an unconventional infant swim class.

For the past 25 years, swim instructor Snorri Magnusson has pushed the boundaries of what we believe tiny humans are capable of. His sun-drenched circular pool in the snowy Icelandic mountains is a unique sanctuary, creating precious space for parents and their infants. Snorri’s gentle sense of play inspires fascination and delight, and the babies throw themselves into the crystalline water with abandon or balance aloft on his hands, squealing with glee. The film’s gentle vibrational soundscape and lush underwater cinematography make it a meditative must-see.

Every minute of its run time is a joy.


The Thursday 10am Reel Bubs screening will take place in Dendy’s Premium Lounge Cinema.

DIRECTOR: Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir, Elín Hansdóttir & Hanna Björk Valsdóttir COUNTRY: Iceland LANGUAGE: Icelandic with English subtitles YEAR: 2019 RUN TIME: 73 min AUDIENCE: General
