Genesis 2.0

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Saturday 4th August

3.45 pm

A haunting story of hunters of mammoth remains in remote Siberia and unnerving cloning technology


On desolate islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters search for the tusks of extinct mammoths. The thawing permafrost not only releases precious ivory but also a surprisingly well-preserved mammoth carcass. Such finds are magnets for genetic scientists who hope one day to use its DNA to resurrect the long-extinct creature. Werner Herzog meets Jurassic Park in this real-life thriller that explores humanity’s reckless courage and the theme of Man vs Nature.


Special Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival 2018


"Genesis 2.0 is a double-stranded helix of a real-life thriller, chilling and unforgettable"




DIRECTOR:  Christian Frei and Maxim Arbugaev COUNTRY: Switzerland LANGUAGE:  English, Russian, Yakut, Korean and Mandarin with English subtitles YEAR: 2018 RUN TIME: 113 mins AUDIENCE: MA 15+
