Welcome to the sixth Stronger Than Fiction documentary film festival! We are thrilled that our new partnership with Dendy Cinemas has allowed us to reach a larger audience with the year’s best international documentary features.
Our Opening Night film is the indescribably beautiful Honeyland, which follows a wild beekeeper in remote North Macedonia as she struggles to save her bees. Strong women continue as a theme throughout the festival, from tenacious human rights lawyer Lea Tsemel in Advocate to fiery photojournalist Letizia Battaglia in Shooting The Mafia.
Humanity’s interaction with the environment is another pressing theme, from the Sea Shepherd’s desperate race to save the vaquita porpoises in eco-thriller Sea of Shadows, to the inspiring story of The Biggest Little Farm and the staggering visual journey of Anthropocene, by the award-winning makers of Watermark.
This year, we have films from every continent except Antarctica, and a diverse spread of filmmakers from veteran trailblazers like Kim Longinotto to first-time directors like Midnight Family’s Luke Lorentzen and Honeyland’s Tamara Kotevska, only 25 years old and already stunning international festival audiences with her fresh talent.
We look forward to seeing you in the Premium Lounge to talk about the films you enjoyed most!
Thursday, 1st of August
10:00 am (Reel Bubs - baby friendly screening)
Saturday, 3rd of August
2:15 pm